Proximate, Mineral And Anti-Nutrient Composition Of Typhalatifolia


Fresh samples of Typha latifolia were analysed for Nutritional and antinutritional determination using standard Analytical method. The values of the proximate composition were found to be: moisture content (87.3 + 2.52), Ash content (4.31 + 0.5), Crude fibre (4.30 + 0.25), Crude lipid (3.40 + 0.21), Nitrogen content (2.20 + 0.21), crude protein (13.8 + 0.01), Carbohydrate (74.4 + 1.20) and caloric value (382.6). The analysis of the minerals indicated that potassium is the most abundant element in Typha latifolia while Cupper is the least having the value of (0.04mg/100g). In the analysis o antinutritional composition, the following value we obtained for oxalate (0.04 + 0.02), phytate (1.61 + 0.09) Nitrate (0.6 + 0.10) and Hydrocyanic (0.03 + 0.01). The values obtained were all below the critical toxic levels. The Anti-nutrient to Nutrient molar ratios has clearly confirmed the availability of some vital minerals. The results obtained from the analysis indicated that, Typha latifolia can serves as a good source of minerals, energy and carbohydrate. Therefore, Typha latifolia could contribute in supplementing human Nutrient requirement.

Keywords: Typhalatifolia, proximate, mineral, Anti-nutrient, edible plants

Muhammad Habibu Gusau

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